Saturday, March 6, 2010


This is a model of Shanghai. This city is HUGE.

This store was ALL PENS. Just isle after isle of pens...I went a little crazy.

Some guy sent a floating lantern into the sky in an attempt to sell them. I want one!

I take a picture of almost every meal. Don't judge me...

A shark in the subway station!

One of the many manyyyy malls in the subway...

Me & my fasha!

Tallest building in Shanghai...I want to say it's 500 meters...but I don't know if that's right...

I'm at the top of the world!!!! It's a horrible picture...but it's proof that we went to the top of that building. The view was unreal...

Everywhere you go, no matter how nice the neighborhood may be, there is ALWAYS laundry hanging from people's windows. My dad calls it the national flag of China. If that's the case, people here are very patriotic...

Dinner after work with some other interns. The girls left to get their hair done...we finished off the food. :)

This is my roommate, Michelle. We're eating candied dates...street food! It was delicious!!!

This blue creature is EVERYWHERE in Shanghai! He's the mascot for the 2010 World Expo.

It's cabbage. Seriously...

We came across this huge park where all these old men were playing with toys! It was so cute!!!

Some guy set up a karaoke machine & old people were singing old Chinese songs. They asked my dad to come he sang "I've Got Friends In Low Places"...out loud...for the entire park to hear...

The Mao Zedong museum.

That's all for now...more coming soon! :)


  1. so i am writing this in a separate window AS i look at pictures.....just so you know.

    OMG PEN STORE!!! thats like...heaven. omg.
    subway mall is super cool
    i am scared of heights
    that is very pretty cabbage.

    do people ask u if you want a mao book??

    yay for picture taking!!! awesome update - can't wait to see and hear more about your adventure <3 you seeeeester!

  2. YAYYYYY PICTURES! It looks flippin awesome :0) Did you notice that the subway mall looks really similar to the Paris casino in vegas? They like set it up all cute old school style with the lamps and then painted the ceiling to look like the sky. Casinos do it so people lose track of time and don't really notice that they're spending their life and savings inside. I wonder why the subway does it? No matter, it's awesome. Everything looks awesome, I think my favorite was the cabbage! I can't wait for more :0)

  3. How have I NOT read any of this yet? I'm a terrible friend, but I really do enjoy our chats while im at work ;) I thought the same thing maile did about the subway. Everything looks so neat! I really want to visit you! If hawaiian starts flying there in the next two months, I'll be on the first plane! One of my little ESL chinese girls told me about pen stores...needless to say she has, what I thought, was every pen known to man.

    I will definitely be more proactive with reading about your life! Miss you! -Heather
